JLs51 wrote: 
> I was able to get the UPnP/DLNA Bridge plugin to work sort of.  It plays
> the song selected from beginning to end then stops.  Doesn't advance to
> the next song from the album.  Using default parameters.
> LMS is on an iMac with the latest OS.  Music on an external HD connected
> via Firewire.  The Mac connected to router with Cat5 and the PS Audio
> DirectStream DAC with internal streamer (PS Audio Bridge 1) to the same
> router with cat5.  Squeezepad on an iPad.  It was amazing to see a
> player called Bridge (I guess referring to the PS Audio Bridge, or is
> that mean the Bridge plugin) on both the LMS web interface and on
> Squeezepad.
> Here is the log file:
> 19347

Your player does not support "UPnP gapless play". Just go in the
settings of the UPnP/DLNA Bridge (settings of LMS, advanced, UPnP/DLNA
Bridge) and set "Player supports gapless" to "no" and you should be good
to go

LMS 7.7.5 - 5xRadio, 3xBoom, 4xDuet, 1xTouch, 1 SB2. Sonos 2xPLAY:1,
PLAY:3, PLAY:5, Marantz NR1603, JBL OnBeat, XBMC, Foobar2000, XBoxOne,
JRiver 21, Chromecast Audio, Chromecast v1, Pi B2, Pi B+, 2xPi A+,
Odroid-C1, Cubie2
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