Ok, for anyone wanting to do this, I found a really great method. It
works for any Airplay stream coming from an iOS device and works well.

You will need several pieces of software: Airfoil Speakers & Nicecast
for OS X , and optionally but highly recommended for iOS: iPeng. I'm
sure this would be possible with Windows or Linux with some of the
software mentioned earlier in the thread but I can't verify.

The method is to stream Airplay to Airfoil Speakers, then capture the
stream into Nicecast, then recast it into a new stream that can be tuned
in as a radio station in LMS and rebroadcast to all your Squeeze
devices. A couple tips: I named the Nicecast stream as "Airplay Stream"
and set it to 320kbps. In iPeng, I tuned into the station and saved it
as a favorite (also named "Airplay Stream") for easy access whenever.

Although it's a kludge, it works for now until Apple provides an update
to the Remote app or some clever developer cuts out some of these steps.
Thanks to all for the suggestions. On a side note, Nicecast works really
well to offer a much improved Spotify experience by using Spotify
Connect to remotely control an instance on the computer and broadcast it
to LMS. The native Spotify app is so much better to use than the Triode
plugin. Cheers!

hoffsta's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=60824
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=104963

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