Wiredcharlie wrote: 
> To be honest, I was hoping to avoid the automation server as the Orvibo
> is directly controlled by wifi. 
> ...
> Can SBNetIO send UDP packets?

Sorry, for not answering quicker - I was on a easter holiday trip.

My plugin should support udp - looking at the bauhn script, you can try




as turn on and off cmds, where %MAC% is the devices MAC adress and the
rest is some magic strings as found by reverse engineering by the
authors of provided links.

The above, however, does not do the pairing. I don't know, whether the
pairing has to be established once or with every request.

You can send several commands - just separate them with a semi colon.
The pairing command should look like


where %REVERSEDMAC% is the reversed MAC adress. From the netcat example
you can see the reversal

    MAC: accf532147e4  -->  Reversed MAC:e4472153cfac  

I don't have an orvibo though, so I can not test.


Primary System: LMS on Win 7 PC, 4 SBT, 1 Duet, 2 piCorePlayer
(HifiMeDIY Sabre II DAC & HifiBerry DAC), 2 Duet Controller, 2 iPods, 1
iPhone (iPeng), Sony XPeria Mini & ION,  Android Tablet (SqueezeControl,
OrangeSqueeze, SqueezeCommander) -- Secondary System: Mobile Server
based on SqueezePlug on RaspBerry PI

Visit 'SBNetIO' (http://code.google.com/p/sbnetio) - yet another remote
control plugin.
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