bakker_be wrote: 
> MusicIP server must indeed be running. On the bright side, just about
> any X86 machine is able to run it, so an old netbook with an Atom cpu is
> quite enough and won't consume all that much power.
> My previous setup was 'vortexbox ' (
> LMS, but for some strange reason the included MusicIP server didn't want
> to scan my music folders, so I used MusicIP headless on my Windows
> Server (where my music was also physically located), and it worked
> flawlessly using the Dynamic Path Conversion. I've since moved away from
> my Windows Server, redoing my whole IT infrastructure at home, and the
> newest version of Vortexbox is happily running on an old Dell E6500
> laptop, MusicIP included, the Physical location of my music being a
> 'NAS4FREE ' ( I created, holding around 24TB
> of data :)

I have a similar setup - Vortexbox 2.3 on an old Dell server, music on a
QNAP via NFS. Can you give me some pointers on installing MusicIp on
Vortexbox ? Is there a detailed HowTo anywhere - I can't find one.

*Vortexbox LMS 7.8 music on QNAP TS419p via NFS* iThingys/iPeng/Tablets
*Living Room* - SB3 -> Onkyo TS606 - > Celestion Ditton F20s - Zone 2 ->
Sony TA FE 320 -> Sennheiser RS 130 & B&W P7
*Office* - RPi -> Sony TA FE320 -> Celestion F10s / SB3 -> Onkyo CRN 755
-> Wharfedale Modus Cubes
*Dining Room* -> SB Boom *Kitchen* -> UE Radio (upgraded to SB Radio)
*Bedroom (Bedside)* - SB Touch -> Topping TP21 -> AKG Headphones
*Bedroom (TV)* - Amazon Fire TV (SB Player) -> Topping TP20 ->
Wharfedale Modus Cubes
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