mherger wrote: 
> > After installing latest 7.9 build, the playlist generator fails when
> > creating playlists. Here from log:
> What exact plugin is this? Is it one of Erland's? He used custom 
> functions in some of his plugins. This was indeed kind of broken a few 
> months back. Sometimes it does work, sometimes it does not. It's a 
> timing issue. Unfortunately he never picked up the change to fix this 
> :-(. But maybe the issue goes away after a restart?
> -- 
> Michael

It is onw of Erlands plugins. It has worked without problems until
latest build. Restart has not helped.
Has Erland stopped maintaining his plugins ?

Living room: Transporter, Tact RCS 2.2X digital preamp, Martin Logan
Vista speakers, AMPS(Icepower): Acoustic Reality Ear Enigma
PLUS(PANELS), Acoustic Reality Ear TWO MKII(Bas)
Kitchen: Receiver - S.M.S.L DAC, Prodipe Pro 5 active bi-amp speakers.
Bedroom: Receiver+UE boombox, Kids: Receiver+Active speakers, Office:
Transporter, JBL LSR305 active speakers , TIDAL HIFI flac streaming.
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