philippe_44 wrote: 
> I've changed names to avoid conflicts. I think that the updating server
> scripts are running automatically overnight
> [edit]: you can manually erase my version to replace it by disaster's
> original one here
> Unzip this file on your Mac under
> /Users/<yourname>/Library/Caches/Squeezebox/InstalledPlugins/Plugins/ShairTunes2

Long story short, I can't get disaster123's version of ShairTunes2 to

Adding the repo URL doesn't yield an installable plugin on the plugins
page, placing an un-zipped copy of it in the plugins folder only works
until LMS restarts, and placing the ZIP file in DownloadedPlugins
doesn't do anything.

The ShairTunes2W plugin from your dev repo URL now works, except for not
supporting my prime use case, AirPlay to the Local Player.

I understand the issue you described, but is there a way I can hack
something on my end to make this work?

I appreciate all your efforts.

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