
I installed ShairTunes and it works nicely when streaming from my iPhone
to my piCorePlayer - perfect.

But I can't stream from my iPhone to my Mac running squeezelite (details
below). I noticed the following errors in the server log as well - hope
this helps.

Any suggestions how I can use the ShairTunes plugin ton stream from my
iPhone to the Macbook?



Complete server log after restart of lms server:
| 2016-10-07 08:10:14 squeezeboxserver_safe started.
| [16-10-07 08:10:25.8864] main::init (384) Starting Logitech Media Server 
(v7.9.0, 1475243668, Fri Sep 30 14:14:09 UTC 2016) perl 5.014002 - 
| [16-10-07 08:11:12.9965] Plugins::ShairTunes2W::Plugin::publishPlayer (294) 
start avahi-publish-service "MacBook Pro"
| [16-10-07 08:11:13.0249] 
Plugins::ShairTunes2W::Plugin::playerSubscriptionChange (210) create client 
Slim::Player::SqueezePlay=ARRAY(0x5501168) with proc 
| [16-10-07 08:12:36.7837] Slim::Web::JSONRPC::requestMethod (443) request not 
| [16-10-07 08:12:37.1440] Slim::Web::JSONRPC::requestMethod (443) request not 
| [16-10-07 08:12:37.1759] Slim::Web::JSONRPC::requestMethod (443) request not 
| [16-10-07 08:18:37.7117] Slim::Web::Cometd::handler (422) errorNeedsClient: 
01:2f:14:f9:8c:22, status, -, 1, tags:uBJjdKlaAxcNo, subscribe:42
| [16-10-07 08:18:37.8157] Slim::Control::Request::notify (2060) Error: Failed 
notify: Wide character in subroutine entry at 
line 279.
| [16-10-07 08:18:37.9209] Slim::Web::Cometd::handler (422) errorNeedsClient: 
ac:87:a3:0d:2e:c3, displaystatus, subscribe:showbriefly
| [16-10-07 08:18:38.0488] Slim::Web::Cometd::handler (422) errorNeedsClient: 
ac:87:a3:0d:2e:c3, displaystatus, subscribe:
| [16-10-07 08:18:40.6518] Slim::Utils::Misc::msg (1244) Warning: 
[08:18:40.6496] Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string at 
line 218.
| [16-10-07 08:18:40.6547] 
Plugins::ShairTunes2W::Plugin::playerSubscriptionChange (218) publisher for 
Rainer M Krug’s iPhone PID  will be terminated.
| [16-10-07 08:18:40.6576] Slim::Control::Request::notify (2060) Error: Failed 
notify: Can't call method "die" on an undefined value at 
line 219.

Version info squeezelite:
| 08:50:49 {master} ~/Documents/CV/CV$ /opt/squeezelite/bin/squeezelite 
| Option error: --version
| Squeezelite v1.8.4-785, Copyright 2012-2015 Adrian Smith, 2015-2016 Ralph 
Irving. See -t for license terms
| Usage: /opt/squeezelite/bin/squeezelite [options]
|   -s <server>[:<port>]        Connect to specified server, otherwise uses 
autodiscovery to find server
|   -o <output device>  Specify output device, default "default", - = output to 
|   -l                  List output devices
|   -a <l>:<r>          Specify Portaudio params to open output device, l = 
target latency in ms, r = allow OSX to resample (0|1)
|   -a <f>              Specify sample format (16|24|32) of output file when 
using -o - to output samples to stdout (interleaved little endian only)
|   -b <stream>:<output>        Specify internal Stream and Output buffer sizes 
in Kbytes
|   -c <codec1>,<codec2>        Restrict codecs to those specified, otherwise 
load all available codecs; known codecs: flac,pcm,mp3,ogg,aac,wma,alac,dsd 
(mad,mpg for specific mp3 codec)
|   -C <timeout>                Close output device when idle after timeout 
seconds, default is to keep it open while player is 'on'
|   -d <log>=<level>    Set logging level, logs: 
all|slimproto|stream|decode|output, level: info|debug|sdebug
|   -e <codec1>,<codec2>        Explicitly exclude native support of one or 
more codecs; known codecs: flac,pcm,mp3,ogg,aac,wma,alac,dsd (mad,mpg for 
specific mp3 codec)
|   -f <logfile>                Write debug to logfile
|   -m <mac addr>               Set mac address, format: ab:cd:ef:12:34:56
|   -M <modelname>      Set the squeezelite player model name sent to the 
server (default: SqueezeLite)
|   -n <name>           Set the player name
|   -N <filename>               Store player name in filename to allow server 
defined name changes to be shared between servers (not supported with -n)
|   -W                  Read wave and aiff format from header, ignore server 
|   -r <rates>[:<delay>]        Sample rates supported, allows output to be off 
when squeezelite is started; rates = 
<maxrate>|<minrate>-<maxrate>|<rate1>,<rate2>,<rate3>; delay = optional delay 
switching rates in ms
|   -R -u [params]      Resample, params = 
|                        recipe = (v|h|m|l|q)(L|I|M)(s) [E|X], E = exception - 
resample only if native rate not supported, X = async - resample to max rate 
for device, otherwise to max sync rate
|                        flags = num in hex,
|                        attenuation = attenuation in dB to apply (default is 
-1db if not explicitly set),
|                        precision = number of bits precision (NB. HQ = 20. VHQ 
= 28),
|                        passband_end = number in percent (0dB pt. bandwidth to 
preserve. nyquist = 100%),
|                        stopband_start = number in percent (Aliasing/imaging 
control. > passband_end),
|                        phase_response = 0-100 (0 = minimum / 50 = linear / 
100 = maximum)
|   -D [delay]          Output device supports DSD over PCM (DoP), delay = 
optional delay switching between PCM and DoP in ms
|   -Z <rate>           Report rate to server in helo as the maximum sample 
rate we can support
|   -t                  License terms
|   -?                  Display this help text

Rainer M. Krug
email: Rainer<at>krugs<dot>de
PGP: 0x0F52F982

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