Hi Nicolas,

On Tue, Aug 22, 2006 at 10:01:44AM +0700, Nicolas Fournaux wrote:

> aggregate: src_mac,dst_mac,src_host,dst_host,src_port,dst_port

If you use such aggregation, you have to expect many tuples in your
database for the same src_host, dst_host. To get started and keep
your database small, get a look to point Q5 of FAQS document;
depending on what you want to do, that fragment could be useful as
a starting point:

aggregate[inbound]: dst_host
aggregate[outbound]: src_host
aggregate_filter[inbound]: dst net <local networks>
aggregate_filter[outbound]: src net <local networks>
plugins: mysql[inbound], mysql[outbound]
sql_table[inbound]: acct_in
sql_table[outbound]: acct_out  
sql_refresh_time: 60
sql_history: 1h
promisc: false
pcap_filter: host not and host not and ether dst not 

The above will use two different tables, acct_in and acct_out to
account for your inbound and outbound traffic, per host, per hour.
You need to create such tables on your own. BTW, sql_refresh_time
need to be somewhat larger than the value in your configuration (2).
30-60-90 secs are all acceptable values.


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