Hi Gert,
take the virgin pmacct package. Configure it with the options you are
used to. Don't care of the --enable-debug. Once you get the Makefile
files, get through them and replace the following line:




Unless you are not using gcc, it will work. Will disable optimizations
(-O2) and include symbols for debugging (-g). Then, compile pmacct and
you will get the executables ready for debugging. 

At this point, you can either attach gdb live to the process or analyze
coredumps created by the new executables. Aaron just posted an example
of what is useful for us, basically a backtrace ('bt' on gdb console).

To get even an idea of what/where is crashing, you can run the daemon
with the following options in your configuration:

daemonize: false
debug: true

It will generate lot of output on your console. But usually it helps.
Once you get this all, you can either opt to post some brief output
on the list, or contact me privately (for longer outputs, coredumps,
files, logs, etc.).


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