
pmacct is a small set of passive network monitoring tools to
measure, account, classify, aggregate and export IPv4 and IPv6
traffic; a pluggable and flexible architecture allows to store
collected network data into memory tables or SQL (MySQL, SQLite,
PostgreSQL) databases and export them through NetFlow or sFlow
protocols to remote collectors. pmacct supports fully customizable
historical data breakdown, flow sampling, filtering and tagging,
recovery actions, and triggers. Libpcap, sFlow v2/v4/v5 and
NetFlow v1/v5/v7/v8/v9 are supported, both unicast and multicast.
Also, a client program makes it easy to export data to tools like
RRDtool, GNUPlot, Net-SNMP, MRTG, and Cacti.



+ 'sfprobe' plugin can now transport packet/flow classification
  tags inside sFlow v5 datagrams. Then, such tags can be read by
  the sFlow collector, sfacctd.
+ 'sfprobe' plugin is able to encapsulate basic Extended Gateway
  informations (src_as, dst_as) into sFlow v5 datagrams starting
  from a Networks File - networks_file configuration directive.
+ 'nfprobe' now supports network data coming from libpcap/tcpdump
  style savefile ('pcap_savefile', -I).
+ pmacctd is now able to capture packets from DLT_NULL, which is
  BSD loopback encapsulation link type. Thanks to Gert Burger for
  his support.
+ Sampling layer has been improved: it's now able to sample flows
  from NetFlow datagrams (not only packets arriving through sFlow
  or libpcap); 'sfprobe' sampling layer has been tied into this
  mechanism and as a result, 'sfprobe_sampling_rate' is now an
  alias for 'sampling_rate' and its default value is 1 (ie. no
  sampling). This change will benefit 'sfprobe' in terms of better
+ A new 'pmacctd_flow_buffer_buckets' directive defines the number
  of buckets of the Flow Buffer. This value has to scale to higher
  power of 2 accordingly to the link traffic rate and is useful
  when packet classification is enabled. Many thanks for testing,
  debugging and support go to Steve Cliffe.
+ A new 'sql_locking_style' directive allows to choose among two
  types of locking: "table" (default) and "row". More details are
  in the CONFIG-KEYS document. "row" locking has to be considered
  as experimental. Many thanks go to Aaron Glenn and Peter Nixon
  for their close support, work and thoughts.
! IPv6 support is now working; it was broken in 0.11.0rc2; thanks
  to Nigel Roberts for signalling and fixing the issue.
! Fixed a few issues concerning the building system and related to
  the introduction of some new subtrees. Thanks to Kirill Ponomarew
  and Peter Nixon for signalling them.
! Fixed some signal()-related issues when running the package under
  DragonflyBSD. Being fork of FreeBSD 4.x, it needs same cautions.
  Thanks to Aaron Glenn for his support.



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