Hi Andrei,
the most immediate suggestion i can give you is to tap either tcpdump
or ethereal on the eth0 and see which traffic the libpcap library is
effectively returning; also, try playing with the 'promisc' directive
(which defaults to true) - as my understanding is that you are sniffing
traffic passing through the interface. Unless you are using some more
complex pmacct configuration (ie. multiple SQL plugins that might be
writing to the same table), the above suggestions should return some
meaningful answer. Otherwise, post your configuration here. 

Let me know.


On Fri, Apr 13, 2007 at 10:46:52PM +0300, Andrei Neagoe wrote:
> I've just setup pmacct on a box that has a vmware server on it. The 
> objective is to account each jail traffic.
> Basicaly, there is one routed ip address on the server and every vmware 
> jail bridges the traffic through eth0 (the only active interface on the 
> server).
> Problem is, that if I transfer a fixed amount of data from one of the 
> jails to the internet, that traffic is accounted twice. (ie. 4 mb upload 
> is accounted as 8 mb upload).
> I must be missing something, but can't figure out what... Can someone 
> point me in the right direction?
> -- 
> Andrei Neagoe
> Sales & Network Engineer
> SC Top Edge Engineering SRL
> Addr: Str. Calea Bucuresti, Bl. M18b, Craiova, 200529, Romania
> Tel: 0251-413193 (int. 18)
> Fax: 0251-413977
> Mobile: 0721-092929 

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