I notice with multiple interfaces that I get duplicate flows.  If I recall
correctly a cisco router does netflow only on input while it seems pcap
captures both inbound & outbound packets.  My work around to filter out
the output flows was to use a pcap_filter such as:

daemonize: true
promisc:   false
pidfile:   /var/run/pmacctd-eth0.pid
imt_path:  /tmp/pmacctd-eth0.pipe
plugins: nfprobe, memory
aggregate: src_host,dst_host,src_port,dst_port,proto,tos,flows,tag
interface: eth0
syslog: daemon
! filter out packets with the mac address of eth0
pcap_filter: !ether src 00:0c:29:8c:53:7c
nfprobe_version: 5
nfprobe_engine: 1:2
post_tag: 2

Is this the approach others are using with multiple interfaces or is there
a better way?



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