Hi Maxence,

On Wed, Oct 28, 2009 at 03:38:59PM +0000, Maxence Rousseau wrote:

> The information seems perfect, sample :
> INFO ( default/core/BGP ): [Id: ROUTER-ID] u Prefix: ''
> Path: '174 3549 32952' Comms: '174:21000 174:22013' EComms: '' LP: '100'
> MED: '82011' Nexthop: 'WAN_IP_ROUTER_TRANSIT_AS_174'
> [ ... ] 
>      PEER_DST_IP     SRC_IP    DST_IP   0         0
> 0          ip          0      1           0           200

What is not clear to me: is "DST_IP" part of the IP prefix listed above
or the two examples are unrelated? Otherwise: what are the BGP attributes
related to the IP prefix of which "DST_IP" is part of?

If you feel you want to go private, in order to give me a clear example,
and then summarize on-list feel free. Btw, for troubleshooting purposes,
it can also be useful to know what is the role of the sFlow/BGP exporter
in the network, which interfaces/direction sFlow is enabled (is it on the
IP transit ports, ingress direction or what?) and a brief description of
the network topology.


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