Hi JF,

On Mon, Nov 09, 2009 at 05:09:40AM -0500, JF Cliche wrote:

> debug: true
> syslog: kern
> plugin_buffer_size: 10240
> plugin_pipe_size: 10240
> interface: egiga0
> daemonize: false
> promisc: false
> sql_cache_entries: 2
> plugins: sqlite3[in]
> sql_max_writers: 2
> pidfile: /vol1/pmacct.pid
> sql_db: /vol1/pmacct.db
> aggregate[in]: dst_host
> aggregate_filter[in]: dst net
> sql_table[in]: acct
> sql_table_version: 1
> sql_refresh_time: 5

>From the debug output you posted, it looks everything is OK (database
exists, file permissions are fine, etc.) - except pmacct doesn't have
any data to report. Can you please comment the 'aggregate_filter' out?
Another chance is that the daemon is bound to an interface with almost
no traffic and hence the plugin_buffer_size/plugin_pipe_size couple is
buffering and hence hiding traffic out.

While here, i would suggest to review the following things from the
above config - perhaps good if/when you go in production:
* remove the 'sql_cache_entries: 2' line or perhaps explain the goal
  you want to achieve. This sets the number of buckets of the hashed
  SQL cache structure and can lead to sustained CPU utilization, if
  configured incorrectly. 
* remove the 'sql_max_writers: 2' line to at least 10; or increase
* increase sql_refresh_time to something more sensible 60-120 secs;
  unless indeed this is done on purpose. 
* Try to keep plugin_pipe_size in the "1000*plugin_buffer_size" area


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