
On Fri, Nov 20, 2009 at 05:06:25PM +0530, Buddhike wrote:

> I'm testing pmacct on my network, and pmacct runs on a box inbetween my LAN
> switch and My ADSL router, and i'm using layer 7 classifires for classify
> traffic. But when testing I observed that the traffic is not correctly
> displayed according to the classification some of the problems i've seen are
> listed below.
> 1. Most of the http traffic are classifed as finger.
> 2. All the other traffic are also shown either as unknown or in some other
> non-relevant protocols.

There was a very similar thread going on few days ago - and still not solved;
you can check it out at the link below:


You can perform some troubleshooting as per that thread and see if it helps.
Otherwise, it has to be debugged and at a glance feeling is that the issue
is not lying in the pmacct domain. FYI, pmacct leverages both regexp engine
and classifiers of the L7-filter project. 


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