On 05/27/2010 07:06:50 AM, Sergio Charpinel Jr. wrote:

> - I'm running analyze in every insert, within the create table
> function:
> CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION cria_tab_pmacct(text)
> RETURNS void AS $$
>     myrec RECORD;
>         SELECT 1 INTO myrec FROM pg_catalog.pg_class WHERE relkind =
> 'r' AND
> relname = $1 AND pg_catalog.pg_table_is_visible(oid) LIMIT 1;
>         IF NOT FOUND
>         THEN
>                 EXECUTE 'CREATE TABLE ' || quote_ident($1) || ' (
>                                 .....
>                         CONSTRAINT ' || $1 ||'_pk PRIMARY KEY
> (stamp_inserted, ip_src, ip_dst, port_src, port_dst, ip_proto)
>                 )';
>                 EXECUTE 'CREATE INDEX ibytes_' || $1 || ' ON ' ||
> quote_ident($1) || '(bytes)';
>         ELSE
>                 EXECUTE 'ANALYZE ' || $1;
>         END IF;
> END;
> $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;

Analyzing after every insert is not a good idea.  The
problem, or the one I've found, really only exists
when you insert a lot of rows into a new table that
has not been analyzed.  There are, as of the last
few years, knobs to turn in the postgresql config
file that control how this is done automatically.
There may or may not be a good setting that deals
well with both loading empty tables and adding/removing
from existing large tables.  Then again, maybe you
just need to turn it on and it will work for you
out of the box.




Perhaps one approach would be to set a per-table
"analyze threshold" low on newly created tables
and then reset the threshold once the table reaches
steady state.

In any case, I've not thought much about this in
a while and so may not be making the best recommendations.
I would suggest contacting the postgresql people
with problem specifics and see what they suggest.


Karl <k...@meme.com>
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