Hi Goran,

What version of pmacct are you using ('uacctd -V' would do)? What is the
input data rate (approx, no need to be specific) into NFLOG/uacctd? In
the order of Mbps, tens of Mbps, hundreds of Mbps, Gbps? 


On Fri, Jun 07, 2019 at 08:37:38AM +0200, Göran Bruns wrote:
> Hello there,
> I am using uacctd in combination with iptables to account traffic from
> and to local adresses and store results in mysql. So far so good
> For an instant overview I use an additional memory table and read the
> accumulated data from pipes.
> Under some circumstances I get the following errors:
> 2019-06-05 21:00:52 warning pmacctd[5519]:  WARN ( in1/memory ): Failed
> during write: Resource temporarily unavailable
> 2019-06-05 21:01:16 warning pmacctd[5519]:  WARN ( in1/memory ): Failed
> during write: Resource temporarily unavailable
> 2019-06-05 21:01:16 warning pmacctd[5519]:  WARN ( in1/memory ): Failed
> during write: Resource temporarily unavailable
> 2019-06-05 21:01:16 warning pmacctd[5519]:  WARN ( in1/memory ): Failed
> during write: Resource temporarily unavailable
> 2019-06-05 21:01:16 warning pmacctd[5519]:  WARN ( in1/memory ): Failed
> during write: Resource temporarily unavailable
> 2019-06-05 21:01:16 warning pmacctd[5519]:  WARN ( in1/memory ): Failed
> during write: Resource temporarily unavailable
> 2019-06-05 21:01:16 warning pmacctd[5519]:  WARN ( in1/memory ): Failed
> during write: Resource temporarily unavailable
> 2019-06-05 21:01:16 warning pmacctd[5519]:  WARN ( in1/memory ): Failed
> during write: Resource temporarily unavailable
> 2019-06-05 21:01:16 warning pmacctd[5519]:  WARN ( in1/memory ): Failed
> during write: Resource temporarily unavailable
> 2019-06-05 21:01:16 warning pmacctd[5519]:  WARN ( in1/memory ): Failed
> during write: Resource temporarily unavailable
> 2019-06-05 21:01:16 warning pmacctd[5519]:  WARN ( in1/memory ): Failed
> during write: Resource temporarily unavailable
> 2019-06-05 21:01:16 warning pmacctd[5519]:  WARN ( in1/memory ): Failed
> during write: Resource temporarily unavailable
> 2019-06-05 21:01:17 warning pmacctd[5519]:  WARN ( in1/memory ): Failed
> during write: Resource temporarily unavailable
> 2019-06-05 21:03:51 warning pmacctd[5519]:  WARN ( in1/memory ): Failed
> during write: Resource temporarily unavailable
> 2019-06-05 21:09:11 warning pmacctd[5519]:  WARN ( in1/memory ): Failed
> during write: Resource temporarily unavailable
> 2019-06-05 21:09:11 warning pmacctd[5529]:  WARN ( in1/memory ): Missing
> data detected (plugin_buffer_size=280 plugin_pipe_size=4096000).
> 2019-06-05 21:09:11 warning pmacctd[5529]:  WARN ( in1/memory ):
> Increase values or look for plugin_buffer_size, plugin_pipe_size in
> CONFIG-KEYS document.#012
> I am wondering why can't be written to a memory table ? Is there any
> sense in increasing buffer and/or pipe size cause they are backed by
> memory too ?
> The system has enough free memory.
> uacctd.conf
> plugins: mysql[in], mysql[out], memory[in1], memory[out1]
> plugin_buffer_size[in]: 1048576
> plugin_buffer_size[out]: 1048576
> uacctd_group: 5
> aggregate[in]: dst_host
> aggregate[out]: src_host
> aggregate_filter[in]: ( dst net or dst net
> or dst net ) and not dst host
> aggregate_filter[out]: ( src net or src net
> or src net ) and not src host
> sql_db: net_stats
> sql_table[in]: traffic_wan_in
> sql_table[out]: traffic_wan_out
> sql_optimize_clauses: true
> sql_passwd: xxx
> sql_user: xxx
> sql_refresh_time: 3600
> sql_history: 1h
> sql_history_roundoff: h
> sql_cache_entries: 65537
> aggregate[in1]: dst_host
> aggregate[out1]: src_host
> aggregate_filter[in1]: ( dst net or dst net
> or dst net ) and not dst host
> aggregate_filter[out1]: ( src net or src net
> or src net ) and not src host
> imt_path[in1]: /var/run/pmacct_wan_in.pipe
> imt_path[out1]: /var/run/pmacct_wan_out.pipe
> I am out of ideas. Can you give me a hint ?
> regards
> Göran
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