Hi Arda,

I see that in your config you have 'daemonize: true' but no logfile statement set, ie. 'logfile: /tmp/pmacctd.log': this is preventing you from seeing any errors / warnings that pmacctd is logging and that may put you on the right path - is it an auth issue, is it a schema issue, etc. So that would be my first and foremost advice.

A second advice i may give you is, since you ask 'Should I expect the same level of detail that I see when I use tshark or tcpdump?', to get started with the 'print' plugin and follow https://github.com/pmacct/pmacct/blob/master/QUICKSTART#L2521-#L2542 . For example, given your config:

plugins: print[in], print[out]
aggregate[in]: dst_host
aggregate[out]: src_host
aggregate_filter[in]: dst net
aggregate_filter[out]: src net
print_refresh_time: 60
print_history: 1h
print_history_roundoff: h
print_output: csv
print_output_file[in]: /path/to/file-in-%Y%m%d-%H%M.csv
print_output_file[out]: /path/to/file-out-%Y%m%d-%H%M.csv
pcap_interfaces_map: /usr/local/share/pmacct/pcap_interfaces.map

This way, although in a CSV format in a file, playing with 'aggregate' you can get an idea what pmacct can get you compared to tcpdump/tshark (it will be pretty immediate to realise given the output).

Once you baseline pmacct is the tool for you and you get familiar with it, i guess you can complicate things putting a SQL database in the way.


On 26/08/2020 19:30, Arda Savran wrote:
I just installed pmacct with postgres support on CentOS8 from GitHub; and I think it was a successful installation based on the following:

*[root@pcap pmacct]# pmacct -V*

*pmacct IMT plugin client, pmacct 1.7.6-git (20200826-0 (57a0334d))*

*'--enable-pgsql' '--enable-l2' '--enable-traffic-bins' '--enable-bgp-bins' '--enable-bmp-bins' '--enable-st-bins'*


*For suggestions, critics, bugs, contact me: Paolo Lucente <pa...@pmacct.net>.*

*[root@pcap pmacct]# pmacctd -V*

*Promiscuous Mode Accounting Daemon, pmacctd 1.7.6-git [20200826-0 (57a0334d)]*



*'--enable-pgsql' '--enable-l2' '--enable-traffic-bins' '--enable-bgp-bins' '--enable-bmp-bins' '--enable-st-bins'*



*libpcap version 1.9.0-PRE-GIT (with TPACKET_V3)*

*PostgreSQL 120001*



*Linux 4.18.0-193.14.2.el8_2.x86_64 #1 SMP Sun Jul 26 03:54:29 UTC 2020 x86_64*



*gcc 8.3.1*


*For suggestions, critics, bugs, contact me: Paolo Lucente <pa...@pmacct.net>.*

My goal is to capture the in/out network traffic on this machine’s interfaces and record them in PostgreSQL. I created myself a pmacctd.conf file under /usr/local/share/pmacct folder and a pcap_interfaces.map under the same folder. Before my question, can someone please confirm that my expectations from pmacct is accurate:

  * Pmacct can capture all the network traffic on the local interface
    (ens192) and record it in PostgreSQL. Should I expect the same level
    detail that I see when I use tshark or tcpdump?
  * Pmacct can store all the packet details in PostgreSQL if needed. If
    this is not supported, does this mean that I am obligated to
    aggregate the interface traffic before it is inserted into PostgreSQL.

My issue is that I am not seeing any data being written into any of the following tables:

*pmacct=# \dt*

*          List of relations*

*Schema |   Name   | Type  |  Owner*


*public | acct     | table | postgres*

*public | acct_as  | table | postgres*

*public | acct_uni | table | postgres*

*public | acct_v9  | table | postgres*

*public | proto    | table | postgres*

I started the daemon by running: pmacctd -f pmacctd.conf

My conf file is based on what I read on the WiKi page:


*daemonize: true*

*plugins: pgsql[in], pgsql[out]*

*aggregate[in]: dst_host*

*aggregate[out]: src_host*

*aggregate_filter[in]: dst net*

*aggregate_filter[out]: src net*

*sql_table[in]: acct_in*

*sql_table[out]: acct_out*

*sql_refresh_time: 60*

*sql_history: 1h*

*sql_history_roundoff: h*

*pcap_interfaces_map: /usr/local/share/pmacct/pcap_interfaces.map*

*! ...*

I am not sure how to proceed from here. I don’t know if I am supposed to be creating a table on PostgreSQL manually first based on my aggregation settings and somehow include that in the config file.

Can some please point me to the right direction.


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