
Thank you for your answer.

My bad, my question have been badly expressed, as I meant to ask about
specifically "tee plugins" sending replicated data straight to kafka.

and related parameter tee_kafka_config_file

I cannot see where tee plugin specifies the kafka topic to send netflow
to, and how Kafka  can handle received netflow replicated from tee plugin.
Somewhere there must be a plugin on Kafka side that handle the conversion
of netflow to send it to a topic in a data format retrievable from a

I hope my question a bit clearer.

Thanks for your usual support and for your pmacct swiss knife



-----Original Message-----
From: Paolo Lucente <> 
Sent: Tuesday, 11 May 2021 04:52
To:; Grassot, Wilfrid
Subject: Re: [pmacct-discussion] Tee and Kafka plugins

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Hi Wilfrid,

Your understanding is correct although replication and collection are two
separate pieces. You can have 1) a nfacctd replicator, that is binary
NetFlow to binary NetFlow, where you could fan-out and filter pieces of
your original export (to different collector, apps, etc.) and
2) a nfacctd collector that is parsing binary NetFlow and sending into
Kafka; this piece should be business as usual and encodings you can pick
are JSON or Apache Avro.

You can find examples and some introductory elaboration around the
replication (tee) plugin here:


On 10/5/21 12:28, Grassot, Wilfrid wrote:
> Hi Paolo,
> I understand that we can configure tee to replicate filtered datagram 
> with to a kafka broker.
> I am novice to Kafka, but does it mean the data sent to Kafka is in 
> json format ? If not which other data format is it sent to Kafka ?
> I am not sure either how would look like the configuration nfacct with 
> the tee plugin to replicate netflow packet to a kafka broker, would 
> you have an example ?
> Many thanks .
> Wilfrid
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