
I’m using sfacctd, and nfacctd to collect/digest flows, but I’m having two 
issues with IPFIX 315 being exported by Cisco NCSs on my lab environment.

1. The router is sending sampling rate template, but nfacctd is unable to 
detect it:
Cisco NetFlow/IPFIX
    Version: 10
    Length: 140
    Timestamp: Jul 27, 2023 21:23:32.000000000 CEST
        ExportTime: 1690485812
    FlowSequence: 4603756
    Observation Domain Id: 4096
    Set 1 [id=257] (1 flows)
        FlowSet Id: (Data) (257)
        FlowSet Length: 124
        [Template Frame: 3]
        Flow 1
            Selector Id: 1
            Sampling Packet Interval: 32000
            Selector Algorithm: Random n-out-of-N Sampling (3)
            Sampling Size: 1
            Sampling Population: 32000
            SamplerName: ipfix_sm
            Selector Name: ipfix_sm
                String_len_short: 8
        Padding: 000000

Seems that nfacctd understand the template:

DEBUG ( default/core ): Received NetFlow/IPFIX packet from 
[] version [10] seqno [4621414]
DEBUG ( default/core ): Processing NetFlow/IPFIX flowset [3] from 
[] seqno [4621414]
DEBUG ( default/core ): NfV10 agent         :
DEBUG ( default/core ): NfV10 template type : options
DEBUG ( default/core ): NfV10 template ID   : 338
DEBUG ( default/core ): 
DEBUG ( default/core ): |    pen     |         field type         | offset |  
size  |
DEBUG ( default/core ): | 0          | 149                [149  ] |      0 |    
  4 |
DEBUG ( default/core ): | 0          | 160                [160  ] |      4 |    
  8 |
DEBUG ( default/core ): 
DEBUG ( default/core ): Netflow V9/IPFIX record size : 12
DEBUG ( default/core ):
DEBUG ( default/core ): Received NetFlow/IPFIX packet from 
[] version [10] seqno [4621414]
DEBUG ( default/core ): Processing NetFlow/IPFIX flowset [338] from 
[] seqno [4621414]
DEBUG ( default/core ): Received NetFlow/IPFIX packet from 
[] version [10] seqno [4621415]
DEBUG ( default/core ): Processing NetFlow/IPFIX flowset [3] from 
[] seqno [4621415]
DEBUG ( default/core ): NfV10 agent         :
DEBUG ( default/core ): NfV10 template type : options
DEBUG ( default/core ): NfV10 template ID   : 257
DEBUG ( default/core ): 
DEBUG ( default/core ): |    pen     |         field type         | offset |  
size  |
DEBUG ( default/core ): | 0          | 302                [302  ] |      0 |    
  4 |
DEBUG ( default/core ): | 0          | 305                [305  ] |      4 |    
  4 |
DEBUG ( default/core ): | 0          | 304                [304  ] |      8 |    
  2 |
DEBUG ( default/core ): | 0          | 309                [309  ] |     10 |    
  4 |
DEBUG ( default/core ): | 0          | 310                [310  ] |     14 |    
  4 |
DEBUG ( default/core ): | 0          | sampler name       [84   ] |     18 |    
 90 |
DEBUG ( default/core ): | 0          | 335                [335  ] |    108 |  
65535 |
DEBUG ( default/core ): 
DEBUG ( default/core ): Netflow V9/IPFIX record size : 107
DEBUG ( default/core ):
DEBUG ( default/core ): Received NetFlow/IPFIX packet from 
[] version [10] seqno [4621415]
DEBUG ( default/core ): Processing NetFlow/IPFIX flowset [257] from 
[] seqno [4621415]
DEBUG ( default/core ): Received NetFlow/IPFIX packet from 
[] version [10] seqno [2092073163]
DEBUG ( default/core ): Processing NetFlow/IPFIX flowset [335] from 
[] seqno [2092073163]

But when printing the data, seems that sampling_rate is not being detected:
{"event_type": "purge", "mac_src": "68:00:04:2e:0b:55", "mac_dst": 
"78:00:04:4c:5e:e7", "vlan_in": 1012, "vlan_out": 0, "etype": "800", 
"peer_ip_src": "", "ip_proto": "tcp", "sampling_rate": 0, 
"stamp_inserted": "1690488600", "stamp_updated": "1690488901", "packets": 0, 
"bytes": 0}

I have configured nfacctd_renormalize to true, and the same configuration 
pattern works for sflow. Can you please help me with that? Am I missing 

2. I have few l2transports using 2 qtags, and I do see it in the pcap:
Flow 4
    InputInt: 15
    OutputInt: 5
    Data Link Frame Size: 106
    Data Link Frame Section: 
        Ethernet II, Src: 68:00:04:2e:0b:a6 (68:00:04:2e:0b:a6), Dst: 
78:00:04:4c:5e:e7 (78:00:04:4c:5e:e7)
        802.1Q Virtual LAN, PRI: 0, DEI: 0, ID: 1012
        802.1Q Virtual LAN, PRI: 0, DEI: 0, ID: 100
        Internet Protocol Version 4, Src:, Dst:
        Transmission Control Protocol, Src Port: 48482, Dst Port: 80, Seq: 
129018, Len: 44
        String_len_short: 106

But I’m unable to get vlan_out:
{"event_type": "purge", "mac_src": "68:00:04:2e:0b:55", "mac_dst": 
"78:00:04:4c:5e:e7", "vlan_in": 1012, "vlan_out": 0, "etype": "800", 
"peer_ip_src": "", "ip_proto": "tcp", "sampling_rate": 0, 
"stamp_inserted": "1690488600", "stamp_updated": "1690488901", "packets": 0, 
"bytes": 0}

Interface config:
interface Bundle-Ether1.1012 l2transport
 encapsulation dot1q 1012 second-dot1q 100
 rewrite ingress tag pop 2 symmetric
 flow datalinkframesection monitor ipfix_mon sampler ipfix_sm ingress

IPFIX config:
flow exporter-map ipfix_exp
 version ipfix
  options sampler-table
  template options timeout 30
 dscp 40
 transport udp 2100
 source MgmtEth0/RP0/CPU0/0
flow monitor-map ipfix_mon
 record datalinksectiondump
 exporter ipfix_exp
 cache immediate
 cache entries 1000000
 cache timeout rate-limit 1000000
sampler-map ipfix_sm
 random 1 out-of 32000

Can you please help me with that too? Also, similar setup works for sflow.


# nfacctd -V
NetFlow Accounting Daemon, nfacctd 1.7.8-git [20221231-1 (723b0cb2)]

Thanks in advance for any inputs.

(Atenciosamente|Best regards|Cordiali Saluti|Vriendelijke groeten),

Tiago Felipe Gonçalves
PGP Fingerprint - A2:82:BD:48:EE:8D:C4:99:C2:4E:81:D4:C4:7B:1C:2E:C7:F3:04:C9
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