
Please Help.

I have problem with pmapper 4.2.0, Mapserver 6  and Postgresql Version 9.0.4-1 
- Postgis 1.5

It crashes with this error:

[20-Sep-2011 23:12:25] PHP Warning:  layerObj::open(): [MapServer Error]: 
msPostGISRetrieveVersion(): Error executing SQL: SELECT postgis_version()
 in C:\ms4w\apps\pmapper\pmapper-4.2.0\incphp\initgroups.php on line 310

The error happened after Postgresql with postgis 1.5 installation

Is this pmapper error or Mapserver? (I am afraid it is mapserver....I have ms4w 
3.0.3 !!!)

When I run sql: SELECT postgis_version() in sql - shell  the system answers 
: 1.5 USE_GEOS=1 USE_PROJ=1 USE_STATS=1 which is normal answer.
Before installation of postgresql 9.04 I used posgresql 8.4 with no problems. 

Do you  know how can I fix it?
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