In pagelist.php, FmtPageList makes a call to Keep($out).

When the PublishPDF recipe generates xml output from the wiki markup for a pagelist, it doesn't detect that $out is a block (it sees only the keep token), so wraps the pagelist output in an extra (incorrect) paragraph tag. I have got around this by creating a PrivateFmtPageList function, which calls FmtPageList, then checks to see if this returns a string starting with $KeepToken. If so, it adds '<:block>' to the start of the string, which suppresses the extra paragraph tag.

On the other hand, pmwiki does this correctly, producing just a <div class='fpltemplate'>, with no extra <p> wrapper, so I think I am doing it wrong. My question is, how does pmwiki determine that

    (:pagelist ... :)

produces <div ...>...</div> and not <p><div ...>...</div></p>, when the <div> block is inside a Keep when block markup is evaluated? What do I need to do to get the same behaviour when generating xml? Is a PrivateFmtPageList function the best solution?

I'm running pmwiki 2.2.63. In the past, pagelist added the <div> *after* the Keep call, so a simple "look for <div" rule solved the problem.

Hope this makes sense. Any advice will be greatly appreciated. I can provide links to an example if it will help.


John Rankin

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