Your site is in the ISO-8859-1 encoding but the skin template is saved with a Unicode Byte Order Mark <U+FEFF> and the browsers cannot display the pages properly. It is also likely that they cannot save the pages properly, and that the currently saved pages with diacritic characters may need to be re-edited (The typed characters that appear correctly are in UTF-8 not in ISO because your browser sent them this way; those generated by PmWiki are in ISO).

Open the skin template in a text editor and save it in the ISO-8859-1 encoding (or charset). With some editors you can select the encoding in the File-SaveAs dialog box. In others it may be in the Tools-Encoding or in the View menus.

Also make sure you don't have a Byte Order Mark selected/checked. This usually applies when you edit Unicode/UTF-8 files. On my editor (Kate) in the menu Tools there shouldn't be a checkbox at "Add Byte Order Mark (BOM)". On others there may be a checkbox in the File-SaveAs menu, or there may be an option "Unicode UTF-8 without BOM".

The same applies to any other files you save, especially PHP files.

Actually, it is even possible that one of your PHP files is saved in UTF-8 with BOM, and it displays the BOM before the skin is loaded. Check all recipes and local PHP files.

Start by the skin then by the recipes you installed or upgraded recently.


Change log     :
Release notes  :
If you upgrade :

On 2015-11-11 09:23, Simon wrote:
I have a group "Siân", with corresponding files in wiki.d on disk. All

PmWiki shows the link as /Si%c3N/HomePage
and the link as not existing?

Any ideas why, this happened with a recent version of PmWiki, it used to
work just fine.

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