I'm trying to write a tutorial/walk-through for the "least knowledgeable 
person who can reasonably expect to use the program", and have a local 
installation, version within the last two weeks, fairly default.

When I use AuthUser as follows:
$AuthUser['Sandy'] = crypt('xxx');
$DefaultPasswords['admin'] = 'id:Sandy';
$DefaultPasswords['edit'] = 'id:*';
$DefaultPasswords['attr'] = 'id:*';
$DefaultPasswords['upload'] = 'id:*';
$Author = $AuthId;

and edit the file /wikilib.d/PmWiki/Installation, the file in the 
wikilib.d folder is updated.

I thought that the files in that wikilib.dir were protected, and a copy 
would be created in wiki.d. That is what happened for Site.SideBar.

Did I misunderstand?

This means that in a CMS installation, the instruction pages can be 


When I delete the AuthUser lines and repeated the experiment, a file was 
created in wiki.d as expected.

Why would the behaviour be different?


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