kirpi <at> <kirpi <at>> writes:

> > Is there a reliable and easy way to do a scalable graphic
> > that keeps smooth curves regardless of size?
> Yes, yes, just try something vectorial like

Ooooh, looks like it might be the program I was hoping for! But then 
the browsers mess it up by not supporting a vector drawing format.

> First: please do not even think of writing the real contents of your
> pages with exotic fonts.

Worry not, I don't intend to use exotic fonts for more than logos. If 
the reader sees "ooh, pretty" (or other adjective) before he sees
"this person can do the job I want done" the site fails. Now that you 
mention it, I *might* play with one for headings or pull-outs.

> The people here have a discrete  experience
> about the matter, and  extensively browsing their site might be a good
> and quick lesson.

Well, besides seeing too much of "waiting for image to download", and that's
on highspeed,...  (Ever notice that sites promising to help you save 
enough money to retire to the lake can't be read at the lake?) I did 
see a few alt tags, though, so there may be hope for them yet.

Can't read the font when small, and having the darkest part of the 
gradient at the mid-line of the letters? Illegible.


Some of those gifs don't resize smoothly. The horizontal lines in 
IBM keep jumping.

The current logo is solid colours (cheaper printing), so jpg is out. So 
it's looking like the safest is to post the logo and name in png at the 
exact size. With some chance that a larger png image (provided file isn't
too large) will handle dynamic resizing, depending on the image.

Many thanks!


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