Kevin Hayes wrote:
> I got no response last time, so I'll post again, with a bit of new
> information. This is a possible show-stopper with this wiki, as I have
> a number of very novice users and they can't work with it
> consistently.
> I'm having a tricky and annoying problem with one of my wikis.
> On some pages, changes are not being saved. No error message, just no
> save, nothing in history. Other pages are fine. I can also create new
> pages with no problems, but then can't guarantee further edits are
> saved. It may relate to the amount of text being pasted
> in, but this isn't consistent either.
> New - it definitely relates to the amount of text in the page being
> saved. Too much (I haven't quantified it yet) and the changes aren't
> saved, history shows nothing happening.

I had a similar problem. Very frustrating. (I managed to catch Pm on 
chat and he diagnosed it in seconds.)

In my case, I narrowed it down to the word "open" about 300 words in. 
Earlier or later was fine, but not there.

Diagnosis: php security module was being over-cautious. It could be a 
php script trying to open a file it shouldn't!!

Work-around: replace the offending word with op[=en=] . The extra 
characters tell PmWiki to send the contents through without interpreting 
them. (Normally used for showing wiki-text in the documentation.)

Full fix: Set up a separate page showing the problem in the wiki for my 
host's support team and send them details of problem and diagnosis. Not 
sure what they did, but it my access logs show it took them 20 minutes 
and four tries.

Hope this helps,


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