Sivakatirswami wrote:
> Aloha, Patrick:
> Thanks for including this in the core.
> 1) I upgraded
> 2) went to Site.AuthList
> 3) All we we are  ******  everywhere.
> 4) click to login
> 5) enter the "topmost" password  that I have set for the site... in
> farmconfig.php
> $DefaultPasswords['admin'] ='$1$px1OwiFE***** (etc)
> instead of re-rendering the page with visible passwords, PMwiki drops me
> back into the login form.
> should AuthUser.php be installed for this to work (I never installed
> AuthUser.php but can and probably will)
> Sivakatirswami

I think AuthUser.php is now included in the core.

I had thought AuthTable showed the same information as action=attrib, 
but it doesn't look like it. Seems to this non-programmer a 
straight-forward job to turn the attrib's into a table.

Back to AuthUser. On the attrib pages, it shows either **** for an 
classic-style password, or id:George or @GroupOne , which is much more 

It will also allow you to add / remove individuals without affecting 
others, and track authors more accurately.

Downside is that each person must be given a name and password, and 
you'll have to update SiteAdmin/AuthUser for each person. And then 
you'll have to stick people into user groups. (Each person can be in an 
unlimited number of user groups.) But you'd have to do much of this with 
any of the other methods.


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