>If I understand correctly, the [[!Maintenance]] category was used in the
past for pages needing some fixing.

Simon said pretty much the same thing, which surprised me, since it _looks_
like it's _about_ maintenance, as opposed to _needs_ maintenance.

"WikiMaintenance" was suggested, but that sounds a bit like smurf-naming
(wiki-edit a wiki-page to make wiki-changes when you are doing
wiki-maintenance in a wiki-group).

I was asking because there isn't a page in the wiki with this information
-- how to maintain the wiki, the difference between despam and desandbox,
It should not go into Core distribution, as it pertains to the maintenace
of the PmWiki website itself.

Since there seems to be only a small handful of pages with the
[[!Maintenace]] tag on them, and there is a page Cookbook.Maintenance --
which is, unsurprising, not named so in order to draw attention and have
itself fixed, as much as it is _about_ maintaining the cookbook -- I will
probably double-check any existing tag of [[!Maintenance]] to see if it
should be changed to [[!NeedsMaintenance]] or [[!NeedsAttention]] or
[[!UpdateMe]] (they aren't the same -- one is definitely needs change, one
is asking for another set of eyes), as will as creating a page about
Maintaining the wiki.

-Michael Paulukonis
<http://goog_2112721603>Interference Patterns (a
@XraysMonaLisa <https://twitter.com/XraysMonaLisa>

Sent from somewhere in the Cloud
(hearthrug, by the fender)

On Thu, Aug 29, 2013 at 4:10 PM, Petko Yotov <5...@5ko.fr> wrote:

> michael paulukonis writes:
>> Where would a page on wiki-maintenance at PmWiki.org go?
>> The pages under PmWiki/ get bundled for distribution, correct?
> On pmwiki.org, pages that are into the distribution have a small gray
> star before the "View Edit History..." actions.
>  In which case, site-specific notes should be frowned upon.
>> Thus, a note regarding "don't put stuff into the PmWiki/ group" wouldn't
>> go into the PmWiki group... so.... where?
> Notes related to the pages should go to their *-Talk pages. For example,
> questions not yet answered, things you are not sure, ideas for improvements
> (but you can be bold and improve the pages without long discussions).
> If you need me to look into a page, place a category link [[!UpdateMe]]
> near the place where I should look (a short message about what I should do
> can help me if it is not clear enough).
> If I understand correctly, the [[!Maintenance]] category was used in the
> past for pages needing some fixing.
> I am not sure if pages in the core distribution should have any categories
> in them.
> Petko
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