You might be interested in this page
which goes over this, it was prepared for a club website where memebrs
upload photos from trips


On 10 December 2013 23:49, Peter Bowers <> wrote:

> I have a picture I took in portrait rather than landscape on my camera.
> I resized it using Image Resizer Powertoy Clone.
> I then rotated it using the built-in win8 on right-click in explorer.
> It displays rotated on my computer, but when I upload it to pmwiki and
> display it using Attach:foo.jpg markup (I also tried with Galleria) it
> displays the original rotation as if I had never rotated it.
> I thought I might have made a mistake which file I uploaded so I
> downloaded the file back to a different directory on my computer and once
> again it displays as I had rotated it even though on pmwiki the same file
> displays with no rotation.
> I thought I must be mistaken so I created 4 additional versions, each one
> rotated 90 degrees further -- same result.  They display as rotated on my
> computer but as if no rotation had occurred in pmwiki.
> You can see this at:
> I have removed any editing password in case someone can show me what I'm
> doing wrong.
> -Peter
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