David Sovinski writes:
I tried the following in the pmwiki sandbox. Is there a way to show the indented lines without messing up the outline? The second "**" looks different than the first.

*Hello World
**It's a good day
          /* This entire line will be removed before execution
             This is used as a comment line
             This is used as a comment line also
          */ This entire line will also be removed before execution
**I would expect this outline designation to be the same as "**It's a good day" but it's not!
**And More

The preformatted text breaks the bulletted list and the second part is considered a new bulletted list with an indent.

This can work without breaking the list (wrap the preformatted text in [@...@] starting at the end of the first "**" line):

* level 1
** level 2 [@
    preformatted text
    preformatted text@]
** continue level 2
** etc.


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