Petko Yotov writes:
However, if the "/e" only works for versions before PHP 5.5, then maybe I shouldn't. What do you think?

I'll document the new ways to define custom markup after I release 2.2.58 in a few days (the old ways still work and will not be removed).

Here is the documentation about the new ways to use Markup() and Markup_e():

If you have any questions, ask. If you can improve the page, please do so.

I'll start migrating my own recipes to the new format. If anyone needs help migrating other recipes, we'll help.

I repeat, please nobody panic, the previous way to define custom markup is not removed and works, now and in the future. You only need to migrate if your hosting provider disables the /e eval modifier for preg_replace().

But you can migrate even if you don't need to. :-)


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