Dear list,

I'm having a problem that I cannot understand. In order to describe this problem I have tried to simplify the environment as much as possible.

I installed the default and latest version of pmwiki-2.2.58, and
edited the local/config.php log file so that it defined the admin password variable:

$DefaultPasswords['admin'] = crypt('mysecret');

Next I added the following construction to the default home page:

(:if enabled AuthId:)
body text

I then logged in as admin:
The login appeared to be successful.

1) How do you know if the login is successful?

2) Once logged in, my test construction failed to display "body text"

Summary: using the default pmwiki download, I am not able to successfully use the
  (:if enabled AuthId:)...(:ifend:)

I suspect that the variable $AuthId is not "true" for some reason.

Please advise. For example:

1) how can I print out the value of AuthId?

2) How do I verify I'm logged in so that AuthId==true?

3) How can I debug this problem?

Jont Allen

On 01/13/2014 10:23 AM, Jont Allen wrote:
I'm trying to use the (:if :ifend) construction along with edit headers ====
like this:

(:if enabled AuthId:)

I am using the cookbook script
(which may be old). This php script removeds the ==== from the page.

When I login as admin (login on the left, not as an edit login), I do
not see the "body" between the conditional construction.

*It appears that the sectionedit.php script is working (it removes ====) but
*I cannot see the body when logged in as admin

I defined the admin passwd via the
rather than as described in

There are too many places were something could go wrong, and too little
information for me to debug this. I need some help.



Jont allen

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