Thank you very much for your hints concerning regexp, it works now for me.

As I'm using the expression in a pagelist template I'm not shure whether
(:if match ^\d :)  refers to the correct page (refers to current page).
So I implemented matchstring. (Cookbook/ConditionalMarkupSamples)
this works in pagelist:
(:if2 matchstring '/^Carpet.[0-9]{5}/' '{=$FullName}' :)

---- Template for rendering Pictures --
-- I avoided the breaks between picture with a surrounding
-- <div style="float: left"> as it still generates <br />
!!Gallerie-Darstellungen  m i n i  /pog
(:if false:)
(:template first:)
(:template each:)
(:comment Vars in List: {*$FullName} -->{=$FullName} / {*$Page} / {*$Name} :)
(:if2 matchstring '/^Carpet.[0-9]{5}/' '{=$FullName}' :)
(:div class="gallery" style="float: left; margin-top:50px; margin-left: 20px":)
(:template last:)
------- end template

Zitat von "Patrick R. Michaud" <>:

On Thu, Jan 23, 2014 at 08:45:42PM +0100, wrote:
Good evening

I like to only include some pages in a pagelist, I have seen the
possiblity of regexp as
(:if match -Talk$:)  [PmWiki/ConditionalMarkup-Talk]

I'm not very familar with regexp and (:if constructions
I made one test with (:if match [0-9]* :-) in the hope to selekt
everything which beginns with numeric, but it seems to be

Everything that begins with numeric:

    (:if match ^\d :)
    (:if match ^[0-9] :)

Actually I like to select
=>00001mmmm   (5 Numbers Product-Nr and n letters for variations/tests)

Everything that starts with five digits:

    (:if match ^\d{5} :)
    (:if match ^[0-9]{5} :)


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