One thing being overlooked for nesting is a top-level link.

on Appetizers, link to [[!Category]]
on Breakfast, link to [[!Category]]

Now when you add Category.GroupHeader of:

(:pagelist link={$FullName} fmt=#titlespaced list=normal group=!Category:)
(:pagelist link={$FullName} fmt=#category list=normal group=Category:)

& a Site/LocalTemplates including:


Outputs nested categories.

(:if false:)
(:template defaults wrap=none:)
*[[{=$FullName}|{=$Titlespaced}]] (:pagelist link={=$FullName} fmt=#category 
list=normal order=title group=Category:)

You will see the top-level categories on the Category.Category page, and all 
nested categories under any other category page.

I recently had a problem doing a recursive listing of nested categories (see my 
recent pmwiki-users email about wrap issues).
Here's the page where you can see the issue:

If you do the same thing WITHOUT the pagecount, you should be fine.  I removed 
the pagecount from the pagelist template for you.

Funnily, I did the right thing & submitted a PITS about it this morning 
(PITS:1336), but it's gone.  Perhaps it was rolled into another bug report, but 
I can't find it.  I'm starting to think that Recent Changes pages need to 
contain information on deleted pages.


On Jan 17, 2014, at 10:26 AM, Peter Bowers wrote:

> On Fri, Jan 17, 2014 at 4:44 AM, Chris Lott <> wrote:
> What I want to add is have [[!Eggs]] as a nested category so,
> ultimately, the users can look at Eggs in Breakfasts or Eggs in
> Appetizers (and, ideally, all Eggs recipes). How do I go about setting
> this up?
> Unfortunately I believe that what you are wanting to do is not currently 
> possible for *truly* nested categories.  If you use the nested category as 
> Petko suggested there is no differentiation between the Eggs category for 
> Breakfasts or the Eggs category for Appetizers - when you go to view the 
> pages in Eggs you will see both of them.  Would it work to name them 
> [[!Appetizers-Eggs]] and [[!Breakfast-Eggs]] or does it get to prone to typos 
> then?
> Another alternative would be to make your Categories.Eggs page a 
> "disambiguation" page with a link to Categories.Appetizers-Eggs and another 
> link to Categories.Breakfast-Eggs and on Breakfast-Eggs your pagelist would 
> include *both* the !Breakfast *and* the !Eggs categories.  It's not quite so 
> seamless from a user perspective as they have an additional page in between 
> that they have to click through, but I think you arrive at your desired 
> funcationality in the end...  And, where appropriate, you could direct-link 
> to the final page (i.e., on the Category.Appetizers page you could exclude 
> the Eggs page explicitly from the pagelist and explicitly include the 
> Appetizers-Eggs page.  
> -Peter
> -Peter
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