On Sun, Feb 2, 2014 at 5:09 AM, jdd <j...@dodin.org> wrote:
> Le 02/02/2014 10:29, tamouse pontiki a écrit :
>> On Sun, Feb 2, 2014 at 3:24 AM, jdd <j...@dodin.org> wrote:
>>> Le 02/02/2014 10:22, tamouse pontiki a écrit :
>>>> Are you talking about a single  pmwiki installation, multiple non-farm
>>>> installations, or a farm installation?
>>> I have both. On some server a single install, on other farm
>> I listed three possibilities, but you made it clear which you have.
> if I had only, I don't see why I would have to duplicate it, but I have
> sevrel in several computers
>> In both of those cases, I use a rather simple symlink method that
>> symlinks pmwiki-latest to the untarred pmwiki-latest.tgz folder. So
>> all I do is pull over the latest version with curl or wget, untar it,
>> and recreate the symlink. In the wiki directories exists an index.php
>> file that includes the path to pmwiki-latest/pmwiki.php and away we
>> go.
> so, If I understand, you have an empty wiki folder with the latest version
> and update there, making it the farm source. But what about the cookbooks?
> farm wide ones have to be in the farm source, as well as the farm wide
> config file?
> I will think about this
> I guess there is no secure way to share a single farm source with several
> computers spread on the net?

Two computers cannot execute code that exists on only one of them.
Each machine needs access to the code.

> I always try to script my work as much as possible, because it's pretty easy
> to mistype a tar option. of course I always begin with a backup, but as you
> may know these things are often made on a hurry..

Scripting is the way to go here. There are several possible
approaches, but for this sort of thing, it's pretty simple to roll
your own.

> thanks
> jdd
> --
> http://www.dodin.org

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