I don't consider themes an excuse to use WordPress, although I agree about 
designers offering designs to wordpress.

When I need a design that "doesn't look like PmWiki" I often will grab designs 
from Open Source CMS or other websites and plug PmWiki into them.

Of course, I'm also a designer.  Lately I'm doing responsive designs.

My 2 latest responsive designs (load the page and play with your browser width 
to see the effect):

You don't have to settle for what's available on PmWiki.org.  Maybe I could 
write up a recipe/instructions/tips for skinning PmWiki.  I've done it so many 
times....and I have some macros I use to do it even quicker....  I'd be willing 
to share how I do it.  Maybe I'll do it with a responsive design and share a 
skin.  I already did 1 responsive design (Mobile Skin) -- so you could cheat 
and take that very very bare-bones design and add a banner, play with column 
widths & colors, and boom! you have a responsive design (that's how I did 
Passionizing, above + I added a responsive menu plug-in, but it's not a 
drop-down menu so I'm not thrilled with it).

But right now my head is crammed into XMLRPC full-time. :)


On Feb 5, 2014, at 7:52 PM, Chris Lott wrote:

> On Wed, Feb 5, 2014 at 10:05 AM, Crisses <cris...@kinhost.org> wrote:
>> Any website you want to create that can be done with WordPress can be done
>> with PmWiki.  And technically, vice versa.  But which is the easier path?
> Depends on the need. There are plenty of very capable themes that
> totally transform the look and feel of WP, which is often a need for
> me. Almost all of the relatively very few PmWiki themes still look
> like PmWiki with some light CSS hacking. Many more graphic designers
> are designing for WP. Yes, that can be done with PmWiki, but it would
> be a waste of time reinventing the wheel in some cases.
> It is also nice, sometimes, to have a db to access information from
> when that data is being used in different ways and not just from
> within the "primary" site.
> PmWiki is awesome and the multi-tool analogy is fine. In the end,
> there are times that the specific, full-size tool---expensive and
> awkward as it might be in some situations---is preferable to the
> multi-tool versions.
> I'm happy both PmWiki and WordPress exist.
> c
> --
> Chris Lott <ch...@chrislott.org>
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