On Tue, Sep 20, 2016 at 11:07 PM, Dominique Faure
<dominique.fa...@gmail.com> wrote:
> IMHO and after a look at
> http://www.pmwiki.org/wiki/PmWiki/MarkupMasterIndex, I would suggest
> to keep on using the prefix/suffix pattern that emerges in the
> "Character format" section, and chosse one of:
> '"quoted text"'
> {"quoted text"}
> ["quoted text"']

TL;DR: These three could work for <cite>, <q>, and <blockquote>
respectively. Support for <q> and <blockquote>'s cite="..." attribute
should be considered.

   '"quoted text"' = <cite> - reference to a creative work
   {"quoted text"} = <q> - inline quotation
   ["quoted text"'] = <blockquote> - extended quotation
   quote|source = cite attribute - source document or message for the
information quoted

The <q> and <blockquote> tags have a cite attribute (e.g. <q
cite="...">...</q>). In other words, perhaps something like this

   Example Company says {"Always properly quote examples."}

would produce

   Example Company says <q>Always properly quote examples.</q>

and this

   Example Company says {"Always properly quote

would produce

   Example Company says <q
cite="http://example.com/Main/Quoting";>Always properly quote

Then of course there's the <cite> tag -- not to be confused with the
aforementioned cite attribute.

<cite> belongs with <q> and <blockquote>. The way I understand it, the
semantics are:

<cite> => who is being quoted
<q>/<blockquote> => the quoted text
cite attribute => where the text came from

So for the sake of completeness, some markup should probably be able to produce

   <cite>Example Company</cite> says <q
cite="http://example.com/Main/Quoting";>Always properly quote

Perhaps something like this, using the vertical bar (similar to an
optional image caption).

   '"Example Company"' says {"Always properly quote

Blockquote for extended quotation would be similar.

      '"Example Company"' says ["Always properly quote examples, even
if your quotes have "quotation marks" in the quoted text. Blah,

The <blockquote> markup, in particular, would probably enhance
"content discoverability" if the search engines treat content from
other sites the way I think they do.

I like semantically meaningful pages, so I'd install and use such a recipe.


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> Regards,
> Dominique
> On Tue, Sep 20, 2016 at 9:07 PM, Hans <desi...@softflow.uk> wrote:
>>> I think I'd prefer this as a recipe (or an addition to an existing
>>> recipe) rather than core for now.
>> of course that is always an option.
>>> I'm concerned a change to core might match code display segments
>>> where a single "" represents an empty string.
>> would code segments not be written inside [@   @] markup, i.e.
>> as escaped code?
>> My markup suggestion could be tightened a bit disallowing spaces after
>> "" start and before "" end. That would make it less likely to catch
>> single instances of  ""
>> something like this:
>> Markup("\"\"","inline","/\"\"(\\S.*?\\S)\"\"/",'<q>$1</q>');
>>> I also don't know how widely this feature would be used; I suspect
>>> most people will still end up writing "This is a quote" rather than ""This 
>>> is a quote"".
>> Yes, but some people would like to see smart quoting. And using <q>
>> tags would make that possible.
>> I guess there are two common types of using double quotes:
>> A) as a way to "quote", in which case <q> tags would be good,
>> B) as a way to emphasise a word, in which case <em> tags would be
>> good, and PmWiki allows this using two single quotes.
>> Hans

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