On 2017-08-08 11:03, ABClf wrote:
Great. Thank you Petko.
By the way, can you confirm pattern like [d] won't work for one decimal ?

Just [d] means "d" or "D". Just [3] means "3". There is no [\d] digit or \w alphanumeric like in regular expressions, there is no "{4}" or "+" for repetition.

These patterns are not regular expressions patterns, but still offer flexibility and are easy to understand: * = "zero or more of any character" and ? = "exactly one any character".

You can have more than one pattern or page name, join them with commas, eg (:if name *-Users,*-Talk:).

And you can have negatives, place a minus before a page to be excluded: (:if name -*-Users,-*-Talk:).

The brackets are for more advanced usage.

Most people will probably simply need a page name without a pattern, like (:if name HomePage,SideBar:).


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2017-08-08 10:39 GMT+02:00 Petko Yotov <5...@5ko.fr>:
Something like this:

(:if name [0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]:)
%green% Name is a 4-digit number.
%red% Name is NOT a 4-digit number.

You can have other characters like [a-z] for a range or [abc123] for
specific characters. This defines a single character in the page name that is among those inside the brackets (case insentitive, but probably for a-z
letters only, not for international letters).


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On 2017-08-08 10:25, ABClf wrote:


I can't find what conditional markup is needed for testing if page
name is like 1970 (made of 4 decimals).
(:if name ????:) works, yet it's not restrictive enough for my need.
Does anyone know the trick ?*

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