Sorry, the mailing list does get stuck sometimes.

It is possible that a message doesn't get to the mailing list for some reason, not even to the archive (DNS is temporarily down, may fix itself in a few minutes, or some other reason). It is possible that a message does get to the list and to the archive but is not redistributed to the subscribers (list software is down). If you send a message and don't receive it from the list within an hour, just tell me or directly Pm, as only he can unblock it.


On 02/08/2018 00:05, Chuck Goldstein wrote:
Oops, what I just posted *did* show up.

Hard to believe no one posted anything most of July.  Oh, well.

Chuck G

On 08/01/2018 16:56, Chuck Goldstein wrote:
Are the mail lists working. The last post showing in
or are dated July 10.

pmwiki-users mailing list

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