Hi, All,

California has adopted GDPR standards, making this no longer just an issue for 
people only dealing with the EU. And more municipalities will do this as time 
goes on.  Because everyone wants a piece of Facebook & Google's hugely 
profitable pie.  And the fines are steep enough to put any of us out of 
business or out of a house.

I believe PmWiki sets cookies for visitors, not just people who log in to the 
site to author.  I'm not sure how to circumvent the cookie setting, and make it 
contingent on consent.  "Using this site means you're OK with cookies" is not 
sufficient. Someone VISITING your site is not consent to put cookies on their 
machine, and sites doing that will probably eventually get sued.  Active 
consent is required.

So here's what I need help with:

A way to disable cookie setting until the website user clicks OK that the site 
will set cookies, and a persistent-until-clicked-OK banner to that effect with 
the button.  If they don't click OK, no cookies are set.  Former cookies 
(before a date set by the person setting it up) should be UN-set I would think, 
if they have previously used the site.  

And then we also need to TRACK their consent.  A SiteAdmin/GDPRCookieTracking 
page that logs the IP, timestamp, and author name if they have one that they 
consented might suffice. Yes it might get long.  But better a long log than no 
log at all.

This is EASIER if visitors don't have cookies set, then the login form &/or 
edit form need a GDPR checkbox that is UNchecked by default — it can disappear 
after the first time a cookie is set for that machine/author name, and we don't 
have to worry about all site visitors needing to click OK.

I can put up documentation on adding a GDPR compliance box to email submission 
forms on the PmForm site since I've worked on that before and doing so is 
fairly straightforward (for me anyway).  I will probably have to do the same 
for comments on some of my recipes. Yay.  So logging in to author, leaving 
comments (which contain potential personal identifying info like name, email, 
IP, and the comment content itself), and sending emails via PmWiki.....

Anyone else have particular GDPR-related needs? Can anyone think of other 
places user information is potentially collected (even IP address, etc.) and 
cookies set?

"The shipping labels of one U.S. electronics company may best capture just how 
global the marketplace has become: 'Made in one or more of the following 
countries: Korea, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Singapore, Taiwan, Mauritius, Thailand, 
Indonesia, the Philippines.  The exact country of origin is unknown.'"
 -- p. 47, Organizational Behavior 9th Edition, Luthans, 2002.

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