Actually, there are 2 markup rules for smaller/bigger text:

1. '-small-'  '+big+'

2. [-small-] [--smaller--] [----tiny----]
   [+large+] [++larger++]    ... etc.

The first markup rule is processed before the second one.

With "[-''KO''-] [-''KO''-]" the middle part contains

  '-] [-'

which is converted by the first rule to HTML as "<small>] [</small>".

Then from the rest only the first "[-" and the last "-]" are meaningful and get processed.

You can place the "em" '' markup outside the "small" blocks ''[-KO-] [-KO-]'', or insert a space between in the middle of '- or if you must, the null space [==].

If you always use the second markup, you can disable the first one in config.php:


Even if we were to swap the order of the rules, there will always be some cases with ambiguity and markup rules can only be processed one after another.


If you upgrade :

On 04/03/2019 16:04, François Ingelrest wrote:
[-''KO''-] [-''KO''-]

The [- ... -] pattern seems to be greedy when used in conjunction with
quotes, and thus middle brackets are not properly interpreted. These
lines work properly:


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