You can define custom $MakePageNamePatterns rules near the top of config.php, for example:

  $MakePageNamePatterns = array(
    "/'|ā€™|ā€˜/" => '',               # strip various apostrophes
    "/[^$PageNameChars]+/" => ' ', # convert everything else to space
    '/((^|[^-\\w])\\w)/' => 'cb_toupper', # capitalize words
    '/ /' => ''); # remove spaces

This is for your particular wiki which is in the encoding Latin1 / Windows1252. For international wikis that have UTF-8 enabled it will be slightly different, based on the UTF-8 variant of $MakePageNamePatterns.

Please note that if you have already functional links with curly apostrophe [[Iā€™m Home]] to existing pages "IMHome", after the change the existing links will point to different pages, and while the old pages will still be on the wiki, they may become orphan (without an incoming link).

Also note that in your text editor you need to save config.php file in the same encoding as your wiki, that is Latin1 / Windows1252 / ISO-8859-1 (those are similar) and not the UTF-8 encoding. The encoding or "charset" can sometimes be selected in the "Save As..." dialog box. See


If you upgrade :

On 24/05/2019 20:05, David Bruce Murray wrote:
I'm having an issue with links that include apostrophes.

If I type [[I'm Home]], pmwiki removes both the apostrophe and the
space to create the link I'd expect: ImHome

If the link uses a curved apostrophe, pmwiki still removes both the
apostrophe and the space, but this time it changes the "m" to a
capital letter M in the link: IMHome

How can I force pmwiki to create ImHome regardless of the type of
apostrophe that was in the original link?

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