We have built-in PageTextVariables, see documentation:


In your page:

  (:include Template.MyTemplate param1="{*$:Var1}" :)

  (:Var1:my markup block:)

The above will work exactly as if you wrote:

  (:include Template.MyTemplate param1="my markup block" :)

Note that the include markup doesn't expect line breaks in the parameters, so your variable you can be a line, not a multiline block.

If I need to pass a multiline block, I would try passing a page section to be included by the included page, something like:

  (:include Template.MyTemplate param1="SomePage#start#end" :)

and then Template.MyTemplate has a line like this:

  (:include {$$param1}:)

And SomePage contains something like:

  This is line 1.
  Line 2.


On 21/06/2021 22:04, Charlie Hayes wrote:
I would like to pass a block of markup to an (:include :)

Something like:

(:set var1:)
my markup block
(:include Template.MyTemplate param1={$var1} :)

I’ve been playing around with and reading through the documentation
and can’t figure out a built in method or a cookbook plugin.

Any ideas?


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