I must response,, as you can see by my addy,, I must have sheep and goats,,, 
and I use manure that is composted in my garden,, I am around the stuff all 
the time,, I clean out barns, I shovel it , I walk thru it,  and when the 
wind blows it move around the whole rural area from other places as well as 
mine,, I have yet got salmonella, or e coli,,,
I asked my vet once,, why is it that folks that have livestock and raised do 
not come down with all those disease that apparently inflict the folks in 
the cities,, Welll, maybe the city folks are too clean,, do not build up a 
immuniity to them,, remember back when you were a kid, how you played in the 
dirt and made mud pies?
Here we have that come in the spring and fall,,,, they poop I am sure all 
over the place,,I also have free ranging chicken as well as some ducks,,  So 
how is it that folks like me are not sick from these illnesses?   the one 
thing we do do is when we come into the house we always wash our hands...
now for radition,,, When I was a kid,, and mother would take me in for a new 
pair of shoes,,, there was a device in the middle of the many of the shoe 
stores,, it was a floscope(sp)  I would stand up in this device, and there 
was a place where I could put my feet,, I could look thru a viewer as well 
as my mother and the shoe sales person,, he would turn it on,, and you could 
see the bones in my feet and you could see if the shoes really fit and not 
too small nor too large,   I wonder now just how shield that device was,,, 
also in the late 1940 and 1950,, TB was around in the US more than now,,, so 
to get the public aware and have them check,, there were TB buses outfitted 
with x ray machines that would park at various shopping areas,, no malls or 
shopping centers at that time,, it was parked on the street,,, you walked 
into the front part of the bus,, sit down ,, give information like name, 
address and the like,, in the middle of the bus was a x ray machine,, you 
had a chest xray done there,, and left out the back,, this was parked at 
various busy intersections thru the city,, did I mention this was in 
now toxic chemicals,,,, During WW2,, my dad worked at a lead paint 
factory,,, they had no masks,, wore the same clothes they came in to work,, 
and went home in the same clothes,, all for the war effort,, now he did get 
lead poisoning and almost died, but as a child I would run to him and like 
so many children wrap my arms around his legs and he would pick me up when 
he came home,, I wonder how much lead as a child I ingested and absorbed 
this way,,,
Also as a child,, we use to use chalk to draw a hop scotch on the 
sidewalks,, well , when we did not have chalk ,, a nice chunk of abestos 
worked very well in its place,, you see the pipes in basements had abestos 
wrapped around them with a canvas cover and held in place with metal bands,,
in homes,, many windows sills were painted with lead paint,, I am sure that 
I cut my teeth on some of those window sills,, and most likely played with 
lead paint coated toys,,,
So I wonder how in the world did I ever live to this age with all that stuff 
around me?
Oh I must add one other thing,, it was a common sight in chicago to have a 
horse drawn wagon,, yes,, they had horse drawn wagons evein into the 
1950;s,, that would go around in the alleys of chicago selling fruit and 
veggies as well as fish packed on ice,,to the house wives of the 
neighborhood,, you would hear him coming as he would holler out, FRUIT, 
VEGABLES.FISH and the house wives would come out and buy them,,,,,Later it 
was replaced with a truck that was open on both sides so the ladies could 
see what was for sale,,
It was common to have meat markets that butched their own chickens in the 
back,,, it was the butch shop,, that only sold meat and fish , nothing 
else,, the floor had sawdust,,

"The air of heaven is that which blows between a horse's ears.

God forbid that  I should go  to any heaven  where  there are  no horses.
   sheep. goats. chickens.dogs. and cats."
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "adar" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <PNEWS-L@yahoogroups.com>
Sent: Thursday, July 05, 2007 2:01 PM
Subject: [PNEWS-L] None Parts Manure

Nine Parts Manure

The fact that feeds or fertilisers based on chicken droppings are
suspected to serve as a medium of bird flu spread or infection makes the
extent of the basic problem crystal-clear. - Pia Mautes, Meat Processing,
Global edition..

Planetary Poisons and Bird Flu

Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, an osteopathic medical doctor and the author of FOWL!
Bird Flu: It's Not What You Think, contends that toxic residues of dioxin
and thousands of other poisonous chemicals added through nuclear radiation
and nuclear waste are contributing to illness in migratory birds, domestic
fowl, and humans.

In addition to the rapid growth of Western-style poultry factory farming
in Asia and around the world, traditional farming practices in Asia
include feeding poultry droppings directly to pigs and fish. According to
the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), chicken feces are
"commonly used as food and fertiliser in integrated fish farms in China"
(GRAIN, 6). In Bird Flu: A Virus of Our Own Hatching, Michael Greger
describes a traditional Asian fish-farming practice in which battery-caged
chickens are placed "directly over feeding troughs in pig pens which in
turn are positioned above fish ponds. The pigs eat the bird droppings and
then defecate into the ponds" (138-139).

This method of feeding excrement to farmed animals mirrors the way farmed
animals around the world really are fed, and how much of the world's plant
agriculture is fertilized. Animal-based fertilizer and wastewater runoff
from animal farming operations explain why crops such as cantaloupe and
spinach can infect people with intestinal bacteria like Salmonella and E.
coli and why fresh vegetables may contain substantial amounts of
antibiotics with potential health risks to consumers including enhanced
antibiotic resistance (Kumara).

For more vis-a-vis Your Animals are Dying and So Are We, go to:

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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