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Crisis of Capitalism
   Hank Roth

The current capitalist crises is systemic. It is inherent in the system 
and it was inevitable---the insatiable greed, the corporate drive for 
maximum profits. This is the essence of capitalist class order and the 
root cause of the crisis.

The results we're all familiar with, it is the millions of um-employed, 
the millions of homeless and the millions of part time and underemployed, 
with bankruptcies at all time high, with debt maxed out. Today, there are 
already many successive generations of homeless children, of families and 
of veterans. When do we put an end to this madness?

There was more social security under feudalism. Feudalism in the middle 
ages provided at least a built-in-work-welfare system. The entire 
relationship was based on mutual responsibilities. But with capitalism 
there is built-in-unemployment. Under feudalism the lord had his captive 
labor supply, the serf, who could at least count on his family being cared 
for if he died or became too old or sick---until the Black Plague, which 
wiped out 2/3rds of the population in England. This labor shortage forced 
wages up and the government imposed laws requiring workers to accept any 
employment from anyone willing to hire them and to stay within their own 
parish. Beggars were subject to punishment and some were even mutilated to 

Guilds were established to care for the aged and infirm and provided aid 
to members in need but private efforts were not equal to need and in the 
16th century the government stepped in to regulate and provide welfare. 
Those who remember Henry VIII as a tyrant might be surprised to know he 
was also the first to provide organized welfare for his subjects.

At the same time those who didn't work, vagrants and beggars were dealt 
with harshly. Anyone who was able bodied was expected to work. These laws 
were known as the Elizabethan Poor Law and it wasn't until 350 years later 
that the U.S. also enacted legislation that was at least in part based on 
that model. The Amerikkkan system however also saw wealth as a sign of 
god's favor.

In 1909, President Theodore Roosevelt declared no child should be removed 
from its own home for reason of poverty.

The current crisis in Amerikkka is a crisis in welfare. The charge that 
social welfare programs under Clinton encouraged the very conditions they 
were presumable designed to alleviate are self-serving rationalizations 
which essentially have been used to avoid the responsibility society has 
to provide for the needs of the poor and the disabled who are seeing even 
their needs ignored.

Whereas, people are quick to offer simplistic solutions for complex 
problems based on their own prejudices and by blaming the victims for 
conditions largely caused by unregulated capitalism. Victimizing the 
victims of societal indifference does not really solve anything and most 
simply reach for conclusions that are based on emotional half truths and 
right wing propaganda, which tend to be false and there is an inherent 
evil in this thinking that ignores the needs of the poor in favor of the 
rich and the human misery that the Reagan and Bush Administrations with 
the help of the Congress have inflicted on so many. Welfare goes beyond 
even humanitarian concern for others; it goes beyond altruism. Without it 
society would not have any stability at all and in Amerikkka we have 
compared to other industrial countries very little social welfare.

The crisis of capitalism is a crisis of racism. It is the terrible infant 
mortality rate. It is the fact that there are more Americans in jail than 
ever before and more than any other country in the world and more 
African-American young men in jail than there are in college. It is a fact 
that we have more people in jail per capita than any other country in the 
world. It is a fact that we torture prisoners and lock them up without due 
process. It is a fact that Bush fascism is popular with those who blame 
the poor and the victimize the victims. And it is a fact that 
drug-infested crime infested ghettos and barrios in our country, those 
places where only poor people can live, are places where hope and future 
are two words never heard.

Hank Roth

     All quoting, if any, is per the Fair Use Doctrine
     for educational and discussion purposes pursuant to
     Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, Copyright Law.

     Permalink: http://pnews.org/ArT/YuR/Crisis.shtml

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