Hi community,

First, i've made a dashboard to edit the site contents by deleting, adding 
and create new posts just like Wordpress dashboard for example .
On the posts page i have a table that sort the whole posts getting them 
from mysql database with bootstrap pagination at the end, in each row i 
have two buttons , Delete, Edit for each post, if you click on Edit, a 
modal appears with two HTML inputs , also for Delete asking you if you want 
to delete the selected item or not.

Now, i want to put the content of the selected row inside the two HTML 
inputs, for example:

1    tutorial post    author

i need to put "first post" inside the first input and "author" in the 
second input then saving them into the database. Also for Delete, how can i 
make it deleting exactly the row that i've chosen not all the posts.

Eventually, it sounds like i have to do some sessions stuffs or JQuery 
maybe but really don't know how .

Please, any help would be tons appreciated .

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