The mathematical model describing the electromagnetic phenomena in this 
study requires the use of the complete set of Maxwell equations; because at 
frequencies above about 400 MHz, the steady or quasi steady approximations 
fail. We have used the COMSOL RF Module Version 5.2. For high frequency 
models, voltage is not a well-defined variable and it is necessary to use 
scattering parameters (S), defined in terms of electric fields. Scattering 
parameters (or S-parameters) are complex, frequency dependent variables 
describing the transmission and reflection of electromagnetic waves at 
different ports of a device. S-parameters originate from transmission-line 
theory and are defined in terms of transmitted and reflected voltage waves.

The derivation that follows is typical to analysis of electromagnetic 
fields using scattering parameters [45]. The equivalent simple diagram of 
the radar head model is shown 1C. The diagram shows a voltage source 
feeding into the radar with a source impedance of Z0. If we define and as 
the square root of the forward and reflected incident electromagnetic 
waves, we can define the scattering function S11 as, [45], and the input 
impedance can be express as:(1)
Gsn Raju Electromagnetic Field Theory 35.pdf



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