On Sat, Jan 26, 2002 at 06:52:19PM -0700, Sean M. Burke wrote:
> * starts with a capital letter (just US-ASCII [A-Z]) followed by two or
> more "<"'s, one or more whitespace characters,

When this particular syntax was first suggested by Larry (and later accepted by p5p) 
it was for 2 _or_ _more_ '<' characters, followed by /\s+/, and ending with whitespace 
and an equivalent number of '> as there were opening '<'.

The reason I recall being suggested for this ... is the moment that the syntax becomes 
valid, it also becomes a prospective 'literal', so by allowing it to be 2-or-more, it 
readily resolved that problem without much extra parsing effort.

> Notably, those problems are:
>   How should C<<  >> tokenize?
> And:
>   How should C<< >> tokenize?
> I see two possibilities:
> * a C start-code
> * empty-string content
> * an end-code matching the C start-code

I would have assumed it would parse a the beginning (start-code) being /<<\s+/ and the 
ending being /\s+>>/. I would assume the number of '<' must equal the number of '>', 
but I wouldn't assume the need for matching the exact number/content of whitespace 
characters for either delimited, and I would assume the "content" was an empty string, 
and that if spaces were intended they should use S<  >

But thats just me :)
Brad Appleton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  http://www.bradapp.net/
  "And miles to go before I sleep." -- Robert Frost

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