On Apr 20, 2010, at 10:10 AM, Ricardo Signes wrote:

> I'd really like to get the "perldoc command broken" into 5.12.1, and I think
> we'll have the best chance of that if the delta to the new version is as small
> as possible.  Can we do 3.14 just for that (and the already-fixed warnings) 
> and
> then 3.15 ASAP with further improvements?

Does it really matter? 5.12.1 won't pull in the full 3.14 release anyway, just 
the regression. Does it matter whether or not it's released with any fixes 
before it goes to maint?

If so, sure, we can do 3.14 with just this change (okay with you Allison?). But 
then we should do 3.15 soon and get it sent upstream to blead.



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