On Jan 23, 2012, at 9:26 AM, Karl Williamson wrote:

> So, you're saying I believe the text in perlpodspec that was the motivation 
> for these changes should be removed, and that Pod::Parser should revert to 
> its old behavior of not checking for this.
> Is that so?

I can’t parse that sentence, but if you’re asking if this bit should be removed:

> "Authors wanting to link to a particular (absolute) URL, must do so
> only with "LE<lt>scheme:...>" codes (like
> LE<lt>http://www.perl.org>), and must not attempt "LE<lt>Some Site
> Name|scheme:...>" codes.  This restriction avoids many problems
> in parsing and rendering LE<lt>...> codes."

Then the answer is “yes.” And Pod::Parser should be modified to allow or 
support L<text|scheme:>.



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